 audio-visual  is modern instructional media in accordance with the times (the progress of science and technology), covers the media that can be seen and heard. examples of audio-visual media is video and movies.

The role
1.      help provide a first draft or the right impression
2.      encourage interest
3.      increasing knowledge is better
4.      complement other learning resources
5.      increase the variety of teaching methods
6.      saving time.

1.      Audio Visual Media is able to present the information or message in the form of images / visuals and sound in real terms, real.
2.      Information submitted may be images / visual facts, real events, or a fiction / creative ideas.
3.      Information or messages are packaged in Program Audio Visual techniques can spread through the medium of television, Internet, VCD, DVD

1.       Its usage is not boring
2.       The results are easier to understand and be understood Lack of Media Audio Visual

1.      The exercise need considerable time
2.      The exercise requires a comprehensive
3.      It costs relatively more expensive
4.     Audio-visual media can not be used anywhere and anytime, because the audio-visual media tend to remain in place

visual  media is something that looks, Visual media serves to channel messages from the source to the receiver. Messages will be delivered poured into visual symbols.  Examples of visual media is a graph, diagram, chart, charts, posters, cartoons, comics, etc.

The role
1.       To attract attention
2.       Clarify the presentation of ideas
3.      Illustrate or decorate a fact that may be quickly forgotten if not visualized.

1.      Visual message: picture,chart, Diagrams,chart,map
2.      Distributor message visual verbal nonverbal-graphic : book and module, comic, magazine and journals, poster, board visual
3.      Object original and object imitation (model)

1.      Can instill the true concept
2.      Can arouse desire and interest
3.      Increase the attractiveness and attentive student

1.      Slow and less practical
2.      The absence of audio, visual media only form of writing certainly can not be heard. So less detailed material presented
3.      Visual limited, this media can only give a visual form of images that represent the content of the news

Audio is a media tool that's the message just received through the sense of hearing alone.
Example is the radio, CD, MP3, Tapes, WAV.

The role
1.      Focusing and maintaining attention.
2.      Following a briefing.
3.      Exercising power analysis.
4.      Determine the meaning and context.

1.      Clarity of voice
2.      Relevan of the the topic
3.      Apropriate lenght and language

1.      Useful to add maintain and stimulate interest
2.      Helpful in stimulate creative thinking
3.      Increase imagination

1.      Need more monitoring
2.      Controling device is hard
3.      Consume time
4.      Acessing selecting topic

visual is something that looks, Visual media serves to channel messages from the source to the receiver. Messages will be delivered poured into visual symbols.

The role
4.       To attract attention
5.       Clarify the presentation of ideas
6.      Illustrate or decorate a fact that may be quickly forgotten if not visualized.

4.      Visual message: picture,chart, Diagrams,chart,map
5.      Distributor message visual verbal nonverbal-graphic : book and module, comic, magazine and journals, poster, board visual
6.      Object original and object imitation (model)

1.      Can foster direct interaction between children with real objects
2.       Can help the children's learning process becomes more active when observing, handling, and manipulating
3.      Media realia can instill basic concepts that are abstract to be true, concrete, and realistic.

1.      The size is there that most of its forms are too large for children and too small so difficult for children to understand the media
2.      The price is expensive media realia
3.      Maintenance realia media must be considered

Computer Based

Computer-based learning is a term that can be used to describe virtually any kind of learning program using computers as a central staple. This approach to learning takes advantage of the interactive elements of computer software, along with the computer’s ability to present many different kinds of media. There are several potential advantages of computer-based learning programs, including the ability for people to learn from their homes and study without the assistance of an instructor.

The role  and Characteristics
1. Cognitive Objectives
Computers can teach the concepts of rules, principles, measures, processes, and complex calculations. Computers also can explain the concept by simply by merging visual and audio, animated. Making it suitable for self-learning activities.
2. The purpose of Affective
When a program is designed appropriately to give a piece of clip sound or video whose contents arouse feelings, learning attitude / affective can be done using computer media.
3. Psychomotor Objectives
With this form of learning that is packaged in a very nice games and simulations are used to create the conditions of the working world. Some examples of programs, among others; aircraft landing simulations, simulation of war in the most severe terrain and so on.

1.      Provide opportunities for students to solve problems individually
2.       Provide compelling presentations with animation
3.      Provide learning content choices are many and varied
4.      Capable of motivating students to learn
5.      Capable of activating and stimulating methods of teaching well
1.      Learners with low motivation or bad study habits may fall behindWithout the routine structures of a traditional class, students may get lost or confused about course activities and deadlines
2.      Students may feel isolated from the instructor and classmates
3.      Instructor may not always be available when students are studying or need help
4.      Slow Internet connections or older computers may make accessing course materials

Teaching spelling of verb with media of group 2