Someone said :
”When I was a child, I wished to go to school to be educated like other children,
So I did, I lived there many moments of childhood and adolescence.
but then I get bored…
When I grew older, I wished to go to university, so I did
but I quickly get bored there too…
Then I wished to graduate, so I did
but loneliness was killing me…
Then I wished to get married, so I did
but my house was so empty with no life..
Then I wished to have children, and I did
But then I get bored from being always at home;
So I wished to get a job, and I did
But then I dreamed of building my own house, and I did after few years.
Then my children grew up,
So I wanted them to get married, and they did
Then I get bored and tired at my work,
So I wished to retire, and I did
But I became so lonely just like I was after graduation,
But back at that time I was full of life and now I am old,
Despite that, I still had many wishes!
I wished to memorize Qur’an,
But my memory failed me.
I wished to fast,
But my health was weak.
I wished to perform quiamul-layl (night prayer)
But I couldn’t stand too long on my feet.
So this my advice to you O reader of my story,
Get the advantage of your health to work foryour Akhirah before you grow old,
Don’t be too busy with this Dunya, Allah has already written your Rizq,
But be busy with working to gain Jannah because Allah didn’t guarantee it for you ...
Siapa yang pet lover
Kalau pet lover pastinya suka semua animal, expecially cute animal like cat and rabbit.
At home i have one rabbit, i buying the rabbit from pasar golf bandung. Than the rabbit grow and be big. Sometimes my friend give me rabbit male. So my rabbit giving me birth. Until now i like rabbit.
I like cat also. But no at home. I just give the cat some food and the cat also like play n stay infront of my home. Hehe maafkan englishnya acak acakan.
Jadi intinya aku punya rabbit n cat. Untuk rabbit kita bisa kasih makan rumput, dedak, pelet, dan sisa makanan kita. Kalau buat kucing jelas sukanya paling ikan ayam asin dll. Ya begitulah daripada kucing di jalan ga makan, dikasih ala kadarnya juga kalau di makan kan.
Anak rabbit bisa kita jual kisaran harga 25-35rb/ekor. Dagingnya juga bisa kita makan karena daging kelinci ga haram.