Saat ini aku sedang melanjutkan study S1 di STKIP SILIWANGI.
Aku mengambil program study pendidikan bahasa inggris. Kampusnya berlokasi di
Jalan Jendral Sudirman No. 3, Baros, Cimahi, Jawa Barat, 40526.
STKIP SILIWANGI merupakan perguruan tinggi swasta yang telah
berdiri sejak 10 oktober, 1987. Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
yang berdiri dibawah naungan Yayasan Kartika Jaya cabang XIX Dan sudah
terakreditasi BAN PT.
Dengan biaya yang terjangkau STKIP SILIWANGI termasuk kampus
yang bagus. Saat ini memiliki empat program study yaitu; Pendidikan bahasa
inggris, Bahasa Indonesia, Matematika, dan PGPAUD. Mahasiswa juga dapat
mengambil kelas reguler atau kelas karyawan.
Dosen pengajar merupakan dosen-dosen yang berkompeten.
Mahasiswa mendapatkan pengajaran yang tidak kalah dengan pengajaran di
universitas negri. Memiliki kelas yang cukup memadaiuntuk kegiatan belajar
mengajar, apalagi STKIP SILIWANGI selalu berusaha menjadi lebih baik lagi
dengan pembangunan sarana dan prasana baru.
Bangunan kampus STKIP SILIWANGI didominasi dengan warna
hijau tua, sama seperti warna jas
almamater. Kampus terdiri atas ruang kelas,ruang TU, aula, lab bahasa,
perpustakaan, mesjid, wc, halaman, dan tempat parkir.
Tempat kuliah yang bagus dengan biaya terjangkau tentunya patut untuk dipertimbangkan menjadi salah satu tujuan kuliahmu!!!
in English Language
Right now I'm continuing study in STKIP SILIWANGI S1. I took English language education programs of study. The campus is located at Jalan Sudirman No. 3, Baros, Cimahi, West Java, 40 526.
STKIP SILIWANGI is a private college that has stood since the 10th of October, 1987. High School of Teaching and Education were established under the auspices of Yayasan Kartika Jaya branch XIX And already accredited BAN PT.
At reasonable costs STKIP SILIWANGI including a nice campus. Currently has four programs of study, namely; Education English, Indonesian, Mathematics, and PGPAUD. Students can also take a regular class or classes of employees.
Lecturer is competent lecturers. Students receive instruction that is not inferior to teaching at the university country. Had enough memadaiuntuk class teaching and learning activities, especially STKIP SILIWANGI always strive to be better with the construction of new facilities and infrastructures.
SILIWANGI STKIP campus buildings dominated by the color green, the same color as coat alma mater. Campus consists of classrooms, TU, halls, language labs, library, mosque, wc, courtyard and parking lot.
A great place of study at an affordable cost is certainly worth to be considered to be one of the goals college !!!
in English Language
Right now I'm continuing study in STKIP SILIWANGI S1. I took English language education programs of study. The campus is located at Jalan Sudirman No. 3, Baros, Cimahi, West Java, 40 526.
STKIP SILIWANGI is a private college that has stood since the 10th of October, 1987. High School of Teaching and Education were established under the auspices of Yayasan Kartika Jaya branch XIX And already accredited BAN PT.
At reasonable costs STKIP SILIWANGI including a nice campus. Currently has four programs of study, namely; Education English, Indonesian, Mathematics, and PGPAUD. Students can also take a regular class or classes of employees.
Lecturer is competent lecturers. Students receive instruction that is not inferior to teaching at the university country. Had enough memadaiuntuk class teaching and learning activities, especially STKIP SILIWANGI always strive to be better with the construction of new facilities and infrastructures.
SILIWANGI STKIP campus buildings dominated by the color green, the same color as coat alma mater. Campus consists of classrooms, TU, halls, language labs, library, mosque, wc, courtyard and parking lot.
A great place of study at an affordable cost is certainly worth to be considered to be one of the goals college !!!
27 Desember 2017 pukul 20.40
biayanya berapa kak per semester?
30 Juli 2019 pukul 23.37
minta info untuk kelas karyawan teh...
5 Januari 2020 pukul 19.22
minta info kelas karyawan dan biaya pendaftaran nya
28 Februari 2020 pukul 01.59
Per semesternya berapa? Dan kalo kelas karyawan hari apa aja? Dari jam berapa sampai jam berapa?